『Endure:限界は何が決めるのか? 持久系アスリートのための耐久力の科学』の著者のアレックス・ハッチンソンがSNSでシェアしていた記事。COVID19の感染が広がる中で、免疫機能を高める(落とさない)ための練習と食事についての研究。以下、紹介です。
How to Train and Eat to Boost Your Immunity from Coronavirus
40年以上、運動と免疫の関係を研究してきたDavid Niemanという研究者の研究結果の紹介。運動が免疫力向上に役立つ一方で、マラソンを走ったあとは風邪や呼吸器系の病気に関わる率が高まる。それを避けるための運動量・強度の目安や食事について解説している。
Nieman now suggests that running at greater than 60 percent of max for more than 60 minutes also lowers immunity. There’s your handy, easy to remember 60/60/60. Run less than 60 miles a week, mostly at a low intensity (60% of max VO2 corresponds to 75% of max heart rate), mostly in workouts that are less than 60 minutes at a time.
In other words, a long marathon-pace run is a stressor, but if you follow a run/walk approach or even 10 minutes hard/10 minutes easy, you reduce the lower-immunity threat.
He believes the key nutrient bonding exercise and good health is carbohydrates: before, during and after running. Indeed, he notes a whole new science of immuno-metabolism that puts glucose and glycogen in the center of healthy immunity just as they are key to strong endurance running.
In a soon-to-be-published paper, he explored the effects of blueberries on immunity and inflammation after a three-hour laboratory run. One group of runners ate a daily cup of blueberries for two weeks before the lab run. Another group didn’t. “The blueberries knocked down the pro-inflammatory response by a lot,” he says, noting that this group of runners also had less muscle soreness.
1.Develop a specific training plan built around ample recovery, sleep and possible mental stressors.(十分な回復、睡眠、許容可能な精神的ストレスを考慮した上で練習計画立てる)
2.Don’t do individual workouts or weekly total workouts significantly harder than you’ve been doing.(急に練習量を増やさない)
3.Monitor yourself closely for early signs of illness and/or overtraining, and adjust accordingly.(不調やオーバートレーニングの兆候を逃さない)
4.Skip the gym with its crowds and potential pathogens. Run outdoors.(感染リスクが高いジムではなく外を走る)
5.Avoid excessive alcohol intake.(過剰なアルコール摂取注意)
6.Adapt stress management strategies to control for life’s hassles.(仕事や生活のストレスをコントロールする方法を身につける)